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Eye Disease Management & Treatment

We use cutting-edge technology to diagnose, manage and treat a variety of diseases, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy.

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Cataracts is an incredibly common disease that is considered by many eye care professionals to be a natural part of aging. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of senior citizens either have or have had cataracts by the time they are 80. This condition occurs as a result of a gradual hardening of proteins at the front of the eye which, over time, begins to block light as it enters the eye. At first, vision loss is minimal, but over time you may notice a gradual clouding of your vision, as though you’re looking at the world through frosted glass. Unfortunately, the only treatment available at this time for cataracts is surgical removal of the affected lens, to be replaced either by a new natural or synthetic lens.


Glaucoma is a common eye disease that occurs when exceptionally high inner-eye pressure begins to cause damage to the optic nerve at the back of the eye. Because the optic nerve is responsible for transmitting visual information from the eye to the brain, damage to it can cause significant vision loss, though rarely total blindness. Unfortunately, glaucoma tends to show few if any noticeable symptoms until it has already caused significant irreversible vision loss and damage to the eye. This is why our eye care team recommends annual eye exams that include screening for higher-than-normal inner eye pressure and other signs of glaucoma.

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a potentially sight-threatening eye disease that affects the small area at the back of your eye, known as the macula, which is responsible for detail and central vision. Without proper and prompt treatment, it can cause irreperable damage, causing blind spots in the middle part of your vision. A number of risk factors exist for this condition, including age, genetics and race. Certain health factors, such as obestiity, smoking, and cardiovascular disease can also significantly increase your risk of developing macular degeneration. Speak to our eye doctors today to discuss how best to minimize your risk and what treatments are available if you’re diagnosed with this disease.

Diabetic Eye Exam

Diabetes can cause damage and devastation throughout the body, due to unregulated blood sugar levels. Diabetic eye exams at are an essential part of preventing this disease from doing irreversible harm to your vision up to and including blindness. The most common eye condition our eye doctors will be looking for is known as diabetic retinopathy. This occurs when high blood sugar levels cause damage to the small blood vessels at the back of the eye, which then begin leaking blood and other fluids. This causes the growth of new blood vessels in the back of the eye, which also become damaged and begin to leak, causing swelling and scarring at the back of the eye. If you have diabetes, speak to your eye doctor about how often you should be coming in for an eye exam to ensure that any signs of diabetic retinopathy or other diabetes-related eye conditions are caught and treated eary.

More On Eye Disease Management

  • senior woman macular degeneration 640.jpg
    The macula is the portion of the retina that provides sharp, central vision. Its breakdown is called macular degeneration, and can lead to vision loss and potentially blindness.